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A Tribute to Singapore 58th National Day in CYS Website

Contributed by Isabel Yong, Digital Media Marketing Officer

Have you spotted a change in our website recently? If so, your observation is spot-on! As Singapore’s National Day approaches, CYS Global Remit embarks on a mission to give our homepage a fresh look that reflects the spirit of our 58th national day.

What's the motivation behind these changes? At the core of these updates lies our profound respect and gratitude for our home country, Singapore. Established here in 1981, CYS Global Remit’s brand has grown and flourished, paralleling the development of our vibrant nation. We've served Singapore's SME communities and offered cross-border payment services across the Asia Pacific Region, and we view this update as a tribute to the country that has nurtured and supported our growth.

In addition, our visual update features our dedicated staff, paying tribute not only to our nation but also to the hardworking individuals who tirelessly serve our faithful customers and community.

As our National Day approaches, we continue to evolve and celebrate. Be sure to keep an eye out for our website, where our dedication to Singapore's growth and success will be on full display in the innovative designs we're rolling out. Stay tuned!

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