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CYS at SIM Ignite Career Fair

admin cys

Contributed by Arion Kwok, Digital Media Marketing Officer

If there is one thing that the talent acquisition team of CYS Global Remit HR has learned in all the past recruitment, it will be getting the right talent can make all the difference in the world.

The process of recruiting new team members can be challenging, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Last week, CYS Global Remit had the privilege of attending the Ignite Career Fair at SIM (Singapore Institute of Management), and it was an experience that opened our eyes to the incredible potential of young minds and the power of networking.

Now, you might think a career fair is just a place for exchanging resumes and business cards. Well, the Ignite Career Fair defies that notion entirely. Hosted by SIM, the Ignite Career Fair is a unique platform that transcends a traditional job fair into a vibrant hub where students and recent graduates come together, eager to launch their careers.

Preparation is the key to success, so before we immersed ourselves in this unique event, our HR team meticulously outlined the roles we were looking to fill and the specific qualifications we sought in potential candidates. This clarity ensured that we could effectively engage with the right talent right away.

We crafted visually stunning banners and e-brochures that not only represented CYS Global Remit but also offered essential information to potential candidates. Our branding materials were not only good looking, they also provided valuable information, a winning combination.

As employers, the Ignite Career Fair presented us with an invaluable opportunity to connect with prospective candidates. Here's how we made the most of our time there:

  • Engaging Conversations: One standout feature of this fair was the quality of conversations. Attendees displayed genuine interest in the industries, companies, and roles they were exploring. This enthusiasm was infectious, making our interactions highly engaging and fruitful.

  • Diversity and Inclusion: SIM's diverse student body opened doors to candidates from various backgrounds and experiences. This aligns perfectly with our company's commitment to fostering an inclusive work environment where diverse perspectives thrive.

  • Sumptuous Refreshments: It's worth mentioning that the fair organizers thoughtfully provided us with a sumptuous lunch. This gesture was greatly appreciated, especially during long hours of conversation. It included delicious options like braised chicken and steamed eggs, giving us the energy we needed.

Our participation in the Ignite Career Fair at SIM was a journey of discovery. It reinforced our belief in the incredible potential of young professionals and highlighted the significance of actively engaging with the next generation of talent. This event was more than just a recruitment opportunity, it was a chance to inspire, connect, and influence the future of our organization.

We wish to thank SIM for involving CYS Global Remit in event like the Ignite Career Fair. It is definitely the meeting ground where graduates discover their dream employers and companies like CYS Global Remit uncover future talents.

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