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CYS Special - Christmas Stocking Origami Competition

admin cys

Updated: Feb 2, 2023

Christmas stockings are decorative socks or bags that are traditionally hung by a fireplace or on a wall on Christmas Eve. They are typically filled with small gifts and treats, such as toys, candy, and fruit, as part of the Christmas celebration.

CYS Global Remit held its first Christmas Stocking origami competition for its employees and received 48 submissions. The paper socks were folded with color paper and drawn with creative and fun figures such as Santa Claus, gingerbread man, reindeer, snowman, and Christmas tree. They were hung in our CYS Café alongside the rest of the Christmas decorations.

And as tradition goes, each sock was filled with a “number” given by our CEO, CYS Santa Claus, so that our employees could collect their number-tagged Christmas presents under our Christmas tree. And the 3 most creative socks winners were rewarded with additional CYS merchandises as gifts. Congratulations to our winners and a big thank to our CEO for her generosity in sponsoring all our Christmas presents.


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