A Report by CYS Global Remit Humen Resource Management Team

收工宴 (Shōu Gōng Yàn) is a term in Chinese that refers to a year-end banquet or dinner typically held by a company at the end of the Chinese lunar calendar year. It's often considered a significant event where employees gather to celebrate achievements, express gratitude, and strengthen bonds before the beginning of a new year. The term can be translated as "year-end banquet" or "year-end celebration."
As we bid farewell to the Year of Rabbit and embrace a new Year of the Dragon, CYS Global Remit extends warm wishes to all its community members for a joyous and prosperous Chinese New Year 2024. The Year of the Dragon symbolizes power, strength, and good fortune, it encourages us to embrace change, pursue opportunities with courage, and harness our inner strength to overcome challenges.

As part of CYS Global Remit long standing tradition, a sumptuous “year-end” lunch, wholly prepared by the CYS in-house pantry service team, has always been the most anticipated event among the CYS staff members because of its legendary menu. And as usual, this year’s “year-end” lunch has not let anybody down at CYS. The array of delectable and tantalising dishes was so inviting and deliciously satisfying, everyone’s plates were emptied and tummy full.

The highlight of the lunch was undoubtedly the special-brewed Mini Buddha Jump Over the Wall soup meticulously prepared by our pantry service team where one can find all kind of “treasures” from dried scallop to abalone. Other notable dishes are home-cooked roasted pork and smoked duck wrap, showcasing the culinary skill of our pantry service people in combining crisp textures with tender meats.
This once-a-year festive occasion brought CYS employee together to celebrate their collective achievements and strengthen the bonds that define the CYS family. Stay tuned as we continue our CYS CNY lunch special journey next week. Additional photos: